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Why I left Islam – Core Issues

These are the main issues I found with Islam.  If you want to understand the real problems I found, start here.


Dialogues and discussions I had after leaving Islam.  Some thoughts


These are not why I left Islam.  They are reflections after leaving Islam.  Keep in mind that even if I was completely wrong about every single one of these, it would not make me come back to Islam.  As a Secular Humanist, I find these to be troubling issues we find and they seem to show that Allah is not the intelligent supreme being that sent us a beautiful wise religion but rather a 7th century invention with barbaric rules and orders that matched that early era but do not belong in today’s world.


Sometimes history is not what it seems


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Also see Why are Muslims running away?

20 thoughts on “Top Posts

  1. Sameer,

    You don’t know me but I’m a Muslim convert and I accepted Islam in or about the same time your site came out. I went through a few laptops with lightupon…com favorited. I’m saddened to see the direction. In any case, I would advise you to read and ponder on some of the more basic books on the deen. Verily, bro, the prophet spent nearly a decade of the dawah initially nuturing his companions with the fundamentals( belief in Allah, Messenger, last day, angels, etc) before getting into things like marriage, rulership, travel, business, etc. In any case, I would advise you read these books if you haven’t already done so. So, yes, I would more than love for you to come back but if unsuccessful then I thank Allah for any situation.

    recommended books

    Important lessons for the muslim ummah by shaykh abdulaziz bin baz

    1. if muslim said quraan is complete book ,thn why r you ask to read basic book of din, basic book writen by humn not by god

  2. Hi

    Really interesting blog. I wonder in your journey away from Islam did you ever consider Quran only Islam, that’s Islam without the hadith? Solves many (not all) of the problems you list in this post if you ignore the hadith (which Quran tells us to do, 7:185, 31:6, 45:6, or just look up any instance of the word “hadith” in the Quran itself)

    1. ‘… did you ever consider koran only Islam, that’s islam without the hadith? Solves many of the problems’…

      That’s just great isn’t it?. So you only use ‘hadith’ when it suits your pet arguments? That’s like a general saying to Hitler – ‘did you ever consider only listening to reports about the war’s progress from the Minstry of Propaganda?’

      When it gets to the stage that people should hear and read only that which reinforces their own preconceptions – then you have a massively closed mind. How is change or progression possible with such an attitude? If everyone thought like that – the world would be living in something like 7th century arabia,

  3. Welcome to Atheism/Agnosticism bro. When i lost my faith from Islam (i learned whole quran by hearth and was Imam) 20 years ago i felt i am alone in the world. Today, thanks of online communities, i have thousand of online friends and plenty of ex-muslim Athiest friends in real life too

  4. This entire blog is a platform for a elementary atheist arguments against Islam. These arguement are not sophisticated and, quite frankly, are a waste of time for any serious student. Good luck with your pseudo-intellectualism.

  5. Hey Abdullah

    I saw few of your vedios, looks like you have and still you are doing lot of research on Islam and Prophet Muhammad. But what do you say to the direct prophecies mentioned about Prophet Mohammed in all Major religious scriptures in the world.

  6. It’s heart-warming to see more and more ex-muslims. It’s good to see how much hard work you do in explanations and comments. You no doubt feel a bit guilty in having assisted so many with your islamic material ?

    What’s also sorely needed are ex-muslims to go on MSM who can speak English and other languages because there’s a problem in the west with this. I don’t understand it myself but it’s like a lot of media outlets, especially a bit left don’t dare let ex-muslims express themselves. As if they’ll get accused of islamophobia or anti islam practises ! It’s really only ex-muslims who can explain islam the best, or at least those who are specialists and critics.

  7. Listening to your reasons and reading your articles as to why you left islam, I to conclude that you overestimated your intelligence and ended up being lost. I hope you don’t take it as personal attack as that is not the intention, but only what I personally think. I will only mention 2 points you made and there is no particular reason as to why I chose them, just a random pick.

    1- you have a problem with the sky being without pilers mentioned and think its a 7th century way of explaining things. As an adanced intelligent being, create a roof not extending everywhere you can ever go and standing without pilers, but just small roof standing by its self. If its science that made the current sky, why aren’t there other mini ones under it developed naturally over time and why is it perfect for this long?

    2- Lol @ Google map covering the whole world and just because its missing where goog & magoog are, mate let me tell that Google hasn’t even covered the whole of dubia let alone where these creatures are. A challenge, I want you to locate bakara rd in mogadishu somali, the biggest rd in the capita or bole rd in ethopia, madenat marwa rd in Egypt.

    You want challenge the creator on his creation because the created impressed you with little things beyond your comprehension.

    I honestly think it will help your intelligence if you study the quran and hadith throughly so you can prove it wrong and you will have a strong ground to stand on unless you have been bought.

    END of the world SURVIVE! Where is the logic here let alone make any sense.

  8. Poverty leads a person to Kufr.
    Being born in a family in which a so called Sunni father married an Ismaili woman your fundamentals were established upon doubts confusions and hidden agendas against the mainstream islam and Muslims right from the beginning due to the lifestyle and principles of your family environment and the society you were born and brought up in.
    Making a site and posting few videos doesn’t make you a scholar of scholars.

    You have no background in Deen except what you heard people speaking about islam.
    read your basics from

  9. Hmmm… interesting blog you have here Sameer. I like the way you present yourself. Ali Sina has a blog like this but he always seems really agitated. You’re very relaxed.

    I’m 31 and I’m also starting to get doubts about Islam. What is it about the early 30s that gets people like us?

    For me, the biggest stumbling block was ISIS in August 2015. It was when they beheaded those 10 christians I believe. Sadly it wasn’t the beheading that got me. It was their almost scholarly-level quotation of the qur’an and the sunnah WHILE doing the beheadings. No matter how much times I tried to re-interpret everything, I could never get past the explicit (clear) interpretation. After that hit me, THEN the Dhul-Qurnayn, Flat-Earth, etc. stuff wiped me out.

    Oh well, I still pray 5 times a day. If Allah exists, hopefully he guides me back.

      1. Who knows. Maybe I will come to that conclusion. Maybe I will come up with a completely different conclusion.

        But in any case, I think you should continue with this level-headed approach to critiquing Islam. It breaks through barriers.

        It’s funny how for the last 10 years, I’ve been exposed to many anti-Islamic commentators (i.e. Robert Spencer, Pamela Gellar, Ali Sina, Geert Wilders, Sam Shouman, David Wood, Nabil Qureshi, etc etc.) But they did nothing to my faith. For me, people like you, Abbas abdul noor (“my ordeal with the quran”), and Masked arab (youtube channel) are the ones that engage me. You lived through Islam but aren’t trying to sell me another faith. You also don’t have angry diatribes about how you passionately hate Islam either.

      2. Islam is true, not false. It’s just that you have been misled, brother. You may wish to perceive it any which way that you choose, it does not mean that your perception is the correct one. Imaan is something special and not all of us deserve it, nor Islam or paradise. Hell has been promised souls, so it’s inevitable, that some will fall astray from the right path, while others will find the right path.

        In addition, anyone who judges Islam or Muslims by the likes of ISIS will find themselves “lost”. There is no group in the world that is representing true Islam. We have to be examples of true Muslims, not secular type Muslims. As I said each to their own, that’s why heaven and hell exist, justice for all in the end.

  10. Salaam Sameer,

    I am a revert like you and I barely hang there on Islam.
    I sincerely respect the people speaking their mind with respect.
    I think everyone goes through an internal process regarding religion.

    It has to be seen not has a drawback or a tragedy only because you left a religion.
    Some people leave then come back or never consider religion.
    It is up to everyone’s conscience to do what it is right for them.

    I think what people need to understand is that in your case, you did not left GOD but a religion with whom you cannot reconcile yourself anymore. I am in the same place with this reconciliation stuff.
    Like other poster here my faith in Islam was severely hit by exactly same application of Quranic and Hadeeth verses of ISIS.

    One thing the people “in the box” need to realize is that there is a problem with Islam and that it is exactly what you expose here. It is the same things I am talking with my other Muslim friends and I tell them all the time that the ill results we see coming out of this religion are exactly because of the “construct” these scholars built over time.
    Probably, a more positive attitude would be that all this nonsense taking place with Islam is to expose it for what it is.

    All these rulings, excessive use of Hadeeth to justify all kind of barbaric practices destroy this religion, and unfortunately the people “in the box” do not see it. How much they can be in denial of this reality?
    That’s why, I think this Quran only movement came. It is an answer to this nonsense and total decrepitude of the today’s “construct” of Islam, or to be more detailed its practice / implementation as religion.

    On the other hand my appeal to the people defending the current practice and implementation of Islam it is this one:
    – You don’t see that the way you are taught a wonderful, simple religion makes out of you a mindless automaton?
    – Why you don’t think for yourselves?
    – When you will going to do Itjihad yourselves that you really understand in what you believe.
    – ILM, knowledge, that what you guys need to wake up. To wake up to the real Islam not to this monster these scholars created.

    As for those who say: without Hadeeth we don’t know how to practice this religion I say to you:
    – Read Quran more and seek your own answers. Everything is in there. No need of external sources to explain.

    Also consider that these Hadeeth were written 200-400 years after the Prophet passed away…
    There is no way in heaven that someone remembers such thing correctly after such long period of time.
    I don’t know in these modern times who were my ancestors 100 years ago. Can’t find them.

    Consider what you do when you put your life and confidence in such thing in which is no certainty that ever the Prophet of this religion ever said… You need to follow what God says, not a particular prophet doesn’t matter how big he was.
    You need to follow the Message not the messenger. Understand that once and for all.

    A good YouTube channel explaining these issues is this one:

    References here from the Quran. Please reflect:

    [Quran 31:6] Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless HADITH, and thus
    divert others from the path of God without knowledge, and take it in vain. These have
    incurred a shameful retribution.

    [Quran 7:185] Have they not looked at the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all
    the things God has created? Does it ever occur to them that the end of their life may be
    near? Which HADITH, besides this (Quran) do they believe in?

    [Quran 39:23] God has revealed herein the BEST HADITH; a book that is consistent and
    points out both ways (to heaven and hell). The skins of those who reverence their Lord cringe
    therefrom, then their skins and their hearts soften up for God’s message. Such is God’s
    guidance; he bestows it upon whomever He wills. As for those sent astray by God, nothing
    can guide them.

    [Quran 45:6] These are God’s revelations (Quran) that we recite to you truthfully. In which
    HADITH other than God and His revelations do they believe?

    [Quran 52:34] Let them produce a HADITH like this (Quran) if they are truthful.

    [Quran 68:44] Therefore, let Me deal with those who reject this HADITH(Quran); we will
    lead them on whence they never perceive.

    [Quran 77:50] Which HADITH other than this do they uphold?

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