Abdullah Sameer

أَلَا يَعْلَمُ مَنْ خَلَقَ وَهُوَ اللَّطِيفُ الْخَبِيرُ Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Acquainted? (67:14)

​Mohammed Hijab lies about a Quran Verse in his ambush-debate with Apostate Prophet ​

I came across a very interesting clip that debunks an argument that Mohammad Hijab made in his ambush-debate of Apostate Prophet.  A Christian Youtuber by the name of Jai tears apart the following argument that Hijab made by showing how he selectively hid part of the translation in order to make his point.  (more…)

Muslim Refuses To Condemn Killing Apostates, Demands All Exmuslims Condemn Killing of Muslims

This is your friendly neighborhood ex-Muslim. A while ago, a Muslim by the name of Wasim on Twitter showed in two tweets just how one-sided Muslims can be. He demanded ex-Muslims condemn the heinous murder of three Muslims committed by an ex-Muslim.  Yet when he was asked to condemn the killing of apostates, he was silent.


China’s Cultural and Ethnic Cleansing of Uighurs

China has gone too far. They are involved in an ethnic and cultural cleansing of the Uighur Muslim community. As a secular humanist, I feel that we need to condemn this strongly and bring awareness to this issue.

If we want to live in a better world, we have to start by acknowledging the wrongs done to others. Being against Islam does not mean we are against Muslims. Their right to practice their religion should be protected under secularism. We do not support any government that does such things. And of course the leaders of Muslim countries stand silently while worshipping their real god – money. 

Muslims protesting China’s treatment of Uighurs: Image from Forbes
