Abdullah Sameer

أَلَا يَعْلَمُ مَنْ خَلَقَ وَهُوَ اللَّطِيفُ الْخَبِيرُ Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Acquainted? (67:14)

The Antagonism of Salafism and Wahhabism

Salafism is the most antagonistic and harmful interpretation of Islam towards others.
Across the globe, Wahhabism, which is an extremist interpretation of Islam, is spreading into Muslim communities and destroying dissent, diversity, and sanity. It is a fascist, oppressive, bigoted, antisemitic, misogynistic interpretation of Islam, and its clerics are all too often apologists for terrorism and other forms of ideologically-driven murder.

I remember attending an event for Rachel Corrie the girl who died trying to prevent Palestinian homes from being bulldozed and I had Salafi friends who were disgusted saying that

She’s a kafir (disbeliever), why are we honoring her? She’s just going to go to the hellfire

This, in a nutshell, is the problem with Salafism.


Brother Ismail responds to death threats

Brother Ismail, who has been posting videos on his journey from Islam and doing nothing but quote Islamic sources for the reasons why, has been receiving a lot of hate mail.  Not just hate mail, but death threats.  Speaking out against Islam is not easy, because you not only have to face rotten tomatoes from the crowd, but death threats as well.  Most of the time these are empty threats but sometimes your life can actually be in danger.  So let me ask you, why would we want to do such a thing?  Well, because some of us want to live according to the truth, and share what we think is correct, despite the consequences.     You can read more about Why I do this. Religion has some good and bad ideas.  We need to move away from these bad ideas and only stick to the good ones.  One alternative philosophy to religion is ‘Secular Humanism’.

I will also be making videos soonish, and I will also have to face the same death threats that he is facing.

I hope for a world where we can be free to criticize or discuss ideas without threat of violence and terror.  Be safe, my brother and friend.


2mins 30seconds


The historical basis for hadith

The corpus of hadith literature cannot be depended on.

The compilers of hadith (the muhaddithun), “no matter how dedicated, were simply too distant from the time of the Prophet, and forgery had become too rampant for authentic hadith to be recovered.”

Some anecdotes of the muhaddithun suggest that they could not prevent forged hadith from being circulated even in their own names.

Read more at Does the Hadith have a solid historical basis?