Abdullah Sameer

أَلَا يَعْلَمُ مَنْ خَلَقَ وَهُوَ اللَّطِيفُ الْخَبِيرُ Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Acquainted? (67:14)

UK Vlogger threatens to kill Harris Sultan’s family – The dangers of speaking critically about Islam

This article was written on June 21, 2020

This is your friendly neighborhood exmuslim.  A few weeks or so ago, I received a vague threatening comment from a certain individual.  He didn’t like a joke that I made about Prophet Muhammad. In return he said “We leave Allah to deal with him in a way our minds cannot fathom. Sameer, you are a total scumbag. What an ignominious end shall befall you, and you will know it too when the moment is upon you” (more…)

Adnan Rashid Justifies Expelling The Jews From Arabia.

This is your friendly neighborhood exmuslim. In this piece I’m going to be responding to a video called : “Responding to Nabeel Qureshi’s “Why I Stopped Believing Islam” by Adnan Rashid.” So I’m responding to a response. You’ve got to  love that. But Nabeel is gone, so someone needs to reply to this. I am not going to tackle the entire video but focus on the first part where he discusses Muhammad kicking out the non-Muslims from Arabia. He makes it sound like Muhammad was such a peaceful gentleman who nicely relocated the Jews who lived happily ever after in Palestine.


Nabeel Qureshi: image from nabeelqureshi.com


Robert Spencer is Outraged Over Muslims Appearing in a Christmas Commercial

For those of you who know me you know that there are certain things I cannot stand for. I am against the religion of Islam and what it brought to the world, but I don’t let people get away with bigotry. Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch, the “The Muslims are Coming” man who is constantly looking for jihadis under every bed and in every closet is here to warn us about an ad for Turkey. Yes, an ad for … turkey. I am going to be responding to his video in this blog post.
