Abdullah Sameer

أَلَا يَعْلَمُ مَنْ خَلَقَ وَهُوَ اللَّطِيفُ الْخَبِيرُ Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Acquainted? (67:14)

Zara Kay Targeted by Former Shia-Muslim Community For Blasphemy

Zara Kay, an Australian citizen and founder of Faithless Hijab, was held in Tanzanian police custody for 32 hours without charge. She was interrogated about her work to help women who are leaving Islam.  Her charges are a form of state blasphemy and include being critical of the government.   (more…)

Why we should all mock Allah’s hell

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I received some comments recently about a certain type of video that we’ve been making in particular the ones were mocking Islam. Here is the tweet:

This was a response to my initial tweet in which I had said, “Allah’s hell is so gory it’s funny! chains and whips and devils oh my” So the question is why did we mock hell? Why are we mocking religion? Why do we mock the idea of hell?


How I Stay Safe from Jihadis and Extremists Who Want to Murder Me

Hi everyone! It’s your friendly neighborhood ex-Muslim Abdullah Sameer. Someone asked me “How do you deal with the fear of some radical Islamist or some crazy person coming and hurting you? Even though you’re living in Canada what you are doing is still dangerous and risky right?” and here is my response to these concerns.


China’s Cultural and Ethnic Cleansing of Uighurs

China has gone too far. They are involved in the ethnic and cultural cleansing of the Uighur Muslim community. As a secular humanist, I feel that we need to condemn this strongly and bring awareness to this issue.

If we want to live in a better world, we have to start by acknowledging the wrongs done to others. Being against Islam does not mean we are against Muslims. Their right to practice their religion should be protected under secularism. We do not support any government that does such things. And of course, the leaders of Muslim countries stand silently while worshipping their real god – money.  (more…)