Prophet Muhammad Explains Stuff

When we look at the sayings of Prophet Muhammad and the words of the Quran, what do we find?  Do we find divine knowledge or the erroneous understanding of the 7th century?


Bad advice Muhammad gives about cross pollination

“What is this noise?” They said: “Palm trees that are being pollinated.” He said: “If they did not do that it would be better.” So they did not pollinate them that year, and the dates did not mature properly. they mentioned that to the Prophet (ﷺ) and he said: “If it is one of the matters of your religion, then refer to me.” (Ibn Majah)

Why does meat rot?

Because of the sins of bani Israeel

The Prophet (S) said, “If it was not for the Israelites, meat would not decay. And if it was not for Eve, wives would never betray their husbands.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

Where does the sun go at sunset?

It goes below the Throne of Allah

Narrated Abu Dharr:
Once I was with the Prophet () in the mosque at the time of sunset. The Prophet () said, “O Abu Dharr! Do you know where the sun sets?” I replied, “Allah and His Apostle know best.” He said, “It goes and prostrates underneath (Allah’s) Throne; and that is Allah’s Statement:– ‘And the sun runs on its fixed course for a term (decreed). And that is the decree of All-Mighty, the All-Knowing….’ (36.38)

What are eclipses

It a a sign of Allah meant to scare us.

“We were with the Prophet (ﷺ) and the sun became eclipsed. He got up and went to the masjid, dragging his garment in haste. The people stood with him and he prayed two rak’ahs as they usually prayed. When the eclipse ended he addressed us and said ‘The sun and the moon are two of the signs of Allah (SWT), with which He strikes fear into His slaves(Nasai)

Why does a child look like the mother or father?

Depends who ejaculates first

…And if a man’s discharge proceeded that of the woman, then the child resembles the father, and if the woman’s discharge proceeded that of the man, then the child resembles the mother. (Bukhari)


What are Shooting stars

They are weapons to shoot the devils who go try to sneak and hear Allah’s decree

And We have certainly beautified the nearest heaven with stars and have made [from] them what is thrown at the devils and have prepared for them the punishment of the Blaze. (Quran 67:5)

Superstitions like magic

And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, “We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic].” And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah . And the people learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew.  (Quran 2:102)

Breastfeeding and sex

Muhammad was going to forbid sex while your wife is breastfeeding because he thought it was harmful, but then realized otherwise.

“I heard the Messenger of Allah say: ‘I wanted to forbid intercourse with a nursing mother, but then (I saw that) the Persians and the Romans do this, and it does not kill their children.’ (Ibn Majah)

Video credits

Bacteria image
Sunset image
Schedule of eclipses
Shooting Star image

Also see my post on Islam Tries To Explain Stuff

36 thoughts on “Prophet Muhammad Explains Stuff

  1. I personally think Muhammad never existed it is just a made up character like batman , spider man or Superman.People use this name to seek approval for their own agenda.

    1. Read all the major holly books sincerely…they will tell you about prophet Mohammad. go and read the books pls.
      What you are trying is really useless. Islam will spread in an extent that one day question will not be there “are you Muslim” cause everyone on earth will be Muslim.
      May Allah give you true guidance before your departure from this earth.

      1. Mr. Amin said that all the major holy books say about mohammad. can you tell me in which VED (VED is the hindu’s holy book, which considerd first book of all mankind ) mention about mohhamd

  2. Hi,
    A fellow atheist here trying to understand more of Islam. Hopefully you an help me with this. Do Islamic scriptures separate/distinguish between what Allah has told Mohammad to say vs. sayings just by Mohammad himself? So in the examples that you gave about the palm tree pollination and meat decaying, could apologists claim that was just Mohammad’s opinion (which would explain a lot) and has nothing to do with Allah?
    BTW, I really like your videos. Keep up the great work!

    1. There is a difference. But Sunnis overall say that his speech was like revelation (according to a Sunni interpretation, one of the verses in the Quran it says Muhammad doesnt speak of his own desires) so there is a difference but in reality sunnis are ordered to obey muhammad in all things and he doesnt speak of his own accord)

      This salafi/wahhhabi site explains it:

      1. The Hadith of Ibn Majah is self-explanatory. The Prophet peace and blessings be upon him was infallible only in religious matters, and Quran also teaches that he was a human being like others and Prophets being humans can make worldly mistakes. Errors of judgement do not affect the intellectual honesty of any human being. A scientist can be dishonest while being truthful about science and a Prophet can make mistakes without committing any dishonesty.

  3. I feel that is islum started as a war dominating cult , just like most major religions . But Islam seems to be stuck in time and finding hard to evolve into a compassionate religion .
    Most of all Muslims I meet are compassionate human beings , but they are dealing with the religion of creed in defence of the profit ‘s in moral behaviour.. Bob

  4. Thank you for another great video and article. They are wonderful.

    There are many many holes and flaws in Islam, like most religions. But, Islam has a major problem. It claims the quran is infallible and Islam disallows any criticism of itself. My making itself untouchable, Islam will never reform.

    And if Islam does not evolve the way Christianity and Judaism have, then this planet will see Islamic terrorism continue to grow. As Islam grows so do the number of radicals. The biggest threat humanity faces is Islam.

    1. If you learn true ISLAM what prophet Muhammad was preaching (not Taliban or ISIS version), you’d see ISLAM is the last and most perfect religion with no flaws at all. There is no flaw at all in Quran… its IBLISH shaytaan who gives you such confusion in your brain and enslave you to serve his mission. I solely pray for you to see the the light of truth again.

      This is not a wise thinking that nobody created us and its not possible to think that this earth is result of big bang kind of foolish thing….. try yourself such bang and see anything happens or not. Also have you seen any monkey or gorillas evolved into humans like you??? surely not. Then why you re so foolish believing in such false things?

      “Abdullah Sameer” your name says that you are liar…..why your name is Abdullah when you are trying tell against ALLAH…is it not so ridiculous ? your false and lies can’t do anything against truth of ISLAM… you are not the only one so many tried but failed. Change your name at least???

      1. I have to disagree here. There are parts of the Qur’an and Hadith that are clearly against Jews, human intelligence, Christians, and APOSTATES. It says clearly that they should be killed. I am againt that. I will never stand for that. If your beliefs are so true, then why won’t they stand up to our God(or Allah-)given common sense, compassion for all life, and critical thinking?

        I think many muslims do not speak out against the warped ideologies of Islam, because they are afraid of the punishments that would happen, As Prescribed By The Qur’an.

      2. But he is quoting the Quran and Sunnah here, so how is it telling lies? If you know the truth about this you should reply and share it here for all to read, instead of attacking his character? This is the core problem with muslims, instead of debating and coming to a conclusion or seeking truth, stupid muslims like you choose to just say “Why are you denying the truth and you suck bla bla bla”. The first word God chose to reveal to Muhammad (PBUH) was Iqra (Read). To me this is significant. Stay and debate, or shut up if you don’t know the truth.

  5. You are lucky because you can tell people what you believe. Living in a Muslim country, I do not have that freedom. I am an atheist ex Muslim now, been almost 4 years. Before that I was a preacher too and promoted Islam for almost 3 years. I studied Hadith and the Quran extensively and would debate and argue with Atheists and agnostics. Anyway, I admire your work and wish you all the luck in the world.

    1. You are simply liar. Surely you never ever were a Muslim. Cause a muslim who possess even a very little imaan can dye but can’t leave the faith. We know You are just a bunch of paid gents to work against Islam. But you’d never succeed… you lies and propaganda will bite on your ass.

      1. dye, gents? please correct your spellings.
        “a muslim who possess even a very little imaan can dye but can’t leave the faith.”
        what do you even mean?
        any rational person whatever they believe should be ready to change their beliefs as soon as they find that their beliefs aren’t consistent with the reality.

  6. Sameer is really ridiculously ignorant Islam.He has not a single sound academic objections against Islam,am i too bold/May be.But this is what I see so far as I watch,listen and read his fault-finding with Islam.He is an amazing “parrot of Christian missionaries and apologists attack on Islam most of which are a further irrational parroting of the lies of the western orientalists” .This guy lacks originality and independent thinking.It is such a shame,that after his “so-called 15 years or so of promoting Islam” he has nothing to disprove Islam but scrap.

    1. What Sameer is trying to tell about faults in Islam with some false and fabricated documentation are all lies. Read yourself Quran and study yourself….you’d find his lies yourself.

      I know you were never ever a Muslim. Your lies will have no effect and surely nobody will listen or believe on your lies. You are just wasting your time after IBLISH.. ISLAM is growing so fast cause its the true religion and Quran is the last holly book, unchanged, un-modified and will stay intact till the dooms day.

  7. Let me address some of his ludicrous derision.On the palm tree story,he took only a part of the narration to reach his misleading conclusions whereas the narrations are three.It is clear from the details that this was his personal opinion and not revelation from God.Scholars have discuss it in details there things the prophet did or said in his capacity as a mortal rather in as God’s Messenger-peace be upon him-and that such do not have legislative implications or eternal religious guidance.Find some details below along with the links for them:

    This phrase comes in some narrations of the story regarding cross-pollinating the date palms. Muslim narrates this story from different Companion. These are the three narrations:

    1. Hadîth #2361 – narrated from Talhah b. `Ubayd Allah:
    I was with Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) when we passed by some people who were tending the tops of their date palms.

    He asked: “What are these people doing?”

    (Some people) replied: “They are pollinating the trees by bringing the male parts into contact with the female parts.”

    Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “I do not think that this brings any benefit.”

    They were informed of this and abandoned the practice. Then Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) was informed of their abandoning it and said: “If that will benefit them, then they should practice it. Indeed I only ventured a thought. Do not hold me account to what I think. However, when I speak to you about anything regarding Allah, then accept it, for indeed I never speak falsely about Allah the Almighty.”
    2. Hadîth #2362 – narrated from Râfi` b. Khurayj:
    The Prophet (peace be upon him) had come to Madînah while they were cross-pollinating their date palms. He asked: “What are these people doing?”

    They replied: “This is something that has been our practice.”

    He said: “Maybe if you were not to do so, it would be good.”

    So they abandoned it and the crop that resulted was impoverished. They mentioned this to him and he said: “I am only a human being. When I command you with something regarding your religion, accept it. When I command you with something from my own opinion, then I am only a human being.”

    `Ikrimah (one of the hadîth’s narrators) said: “He said that or something to that effect.”
    3. Hadîth #2363 – narrated from Anas:
    The Prophet (peace be upon him) passed by some people who were busy with pollination and said: “If they would not do this, then it would still come out right.”

    The date crop that resulted was of a very poor quality.

    Then he passed by them and asked: “What is with your date palms?”

    They said: “You had told us such-and-such…”

    He said: “You know best the affairs of your worldly life.”
    This story is clear in that the Prophet (peace be upon him), when he saw his Companions cross-pollinating the date palms, thought that what they were doing was of no benefit and expressed to them what he thought. The Companions understood from him that he was prohibiting them from the practice of cross-pollination, so they abandoned it. However, the Prophet (peace be upon him) had not prohibited them from doing so. It was only a misunderstanding on their part.

    The Prophet (peace be upon him), when it comes to his personal thoughts about worldly matters, is like anyone else.

    Al-Qurtubî writes:
    The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “I do not think that this brings any benefit” referring to the practice of cross-pollination. The Prophet (peace be upon him) only said this because he did not have knowledge that this was a long-enduring customary practice, since he had never been concerned with either agriculture or farming and had never engaged in it. Therefore, he was unaware of the circumstances. [al-Mufhim (6/186)]
    Al-Nawawî writes:
    Scholars have said that this statement was not informative, but was only an expression of what he had thought, as he himself made clear in these narrations. They have said that his opinions regarding the practical questions of life and his thoughts on such matters are the same as those of others. Therefore, situations like this one are not impossible. There is no deficiency in this; it is because of their concern for the Hereafter and knowledge thereof.” [Sharh Sahîh Muslim (15/116)]
    We need to keep in mind that this event happened only once, though it is narrated to us in numerous ways. This leads us to suspect that some of these narrations are given by meaning and are not verbatim.

    We can further observe that Muslim puts the narration of Talhah first. This may be because its wording is superior to that of the others. He places second, `Ikrimah’s narration from Râfi` from Khurayj that comes with: “When I command you with something from my own opinion, then I am only a human being.”

    Al-Nawawî states the following about this second narration:
    The phrase “from my own opinion” is only brought by `Ikrimah as a narration by meaning. This is because `Ikrimah says at the end of the hadith: “…or something to that effect.” [Sharh Sahîh Muslim (15/116)]
    Muslim mentions the narration of Anas last. This narration comes to us by way of a chain of transmission that includes the narrator Hammâd b. Salamah, and Hammâd was prone to make mistakes. This is the only narration of the story that contains the statement: “You know best the affairs of your worldly life.”

    Some people have taken this phrase: “You know best the affairs of your worldly life” as a pretext to free themselves of the Islamic rulings that pertain to worldly matters; for instance, those that deal with commercial transactions. It is well-known that the legislations and rulings of Islamic Law came to govern the lives of humanity in all of their affairs, from acts of worship, to commercial concerns, to domestic matters and all other aspects of life.

    Allah states this clearly and repeatedly in the Qur’ân. He says:

    “Nay! By your Lord! They will not believe until they make you the judge in their disputes among themselves and then find within themselves no difficulty in what you decide, and submit to it in full submission.” [Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 65]

    “Indeed We have sent down to you (O Muhammad) the Book in truth so you may judge between the people by that which Allah has shown you and not be an advocate for the deceitful.” [Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 105]

    “Say: Truly, my prayer, my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.” [Sûrah al-An`âm: 162]

    1. Sure, he could only claim things that could not be fact-checked. Brilliant.

      If Mr M was so divine, why does he have a monopoly on that divinity. I know many examples of more enlightened people (Bhaghwan Sree Rajneesj, Jiddu Krishnamuri) from our own era, who also had human flaws. Why is it so hard to accept that people can be very developed spiritually, but are still human? Perhaps some of Mr M’s words were genuine prophecy. But he put it all to work for military conquest, from an ethnocentric worldview, which has since been surpassed by the modernist worldview.

      How else could it be that the technology that muslems use to spread their ideologies all comes from the west – the technology came about by applying a worldview (scientific rationality) htat BETTER FIT the complexity of reality than an ethnocentric magical worldview.

      Islam is outdated, but its own gears of development are stuck because of its own rules against development. God/Allah is not static, God/Allah evolves, and we are the expression of the leading edge of His evolution – if we let go of our superstitions and strive to become ‘enlightened’ ourselves.

  8. Sameer,why not be humble and save yourself from humiliating torture on the day of judgement.You never knew Islam for what it truly is but only had a smattering acquaintance and out of zeal wanted to share Islam only to be plunged into this abyss of darkness as disbelievers halt their falsehood at you and knock out of the right course as your faith’s foundation was too weak to survive the tempest blow.What a tragedy!!.Regarding whyc children resemble parents or relatives and they why of gender you goofed once more as always and being misled by the Evil One-may Allaah’s curse remain on him.Here are two answers for your enlightenment-one is brief and the other lengthy:

    1.Short answer:
    Mohamed Bilal, Muslim
    Written Dec 29, 2014
    Human has 23 pairs of chromosomes out of which 1 pair is called sex chromosome.

    Male’s sex chromosome is XY and female’s sex chromosome is XX. During fertilization, 23 chromosomes come from male and the other 23 comes from female and form 23 pairs accordingly. It is the presence of Y which makes the offspring as male.

    While forming the sex chromosome pair female can give only X. Now if the male gives a Y (you can think this as male prevails), the offspring becomes male. If the male gives a X (you can think this as female prevails), the offspring becomes a female.

    Hope this answers your question.
    08-19-2012, 07:44 AM
    asalamu alaykum warahmatullah

    I am consolidating some post that our brother Ayman bin Khalid did on another forum and I felt it is best to put it here

    do you not know that man’s discharge is thick and white and woman’s is yellow and thin If any of these fluids becomes dominant, the offspring will take its sex and resemblance by Allah’s leave. Hence, if the man’s is more than the woman’s, the child will be male, by Allah’s leave. If the woman’s discharge is more than the man’s, then the child will be female, by Allah’s leave.’

    Contradicts what science says on the issue. The scientific view is that the gender of the child depends solely on the chromosome (piece of genetic material) of the spermcell, and has nothing to do with the discharge of the woman.

    This is simple inshallah. However, it is important that I lay down an important principles when it comes to hadeeths and understanding them.

    1) We put authentic texts as our reference to understand what they imply.

    2) Authentic texts cannot oppose or contradict a fact or something known by default.

    3) If we come across an authentic text and it seems problemtic in light of science then we need to first see if this information in science is agreed on its correctness and a fact or disputed over. If what science say is agreed on then in such case we realize that the problem does not lie in the hadeeth but rather in our understanding to the hadeeth or the Quran.

    You should know, May Allah preserve you, that this hadeeth addresses two main issues; a) Resemblance of born children b) Gender of born children. Both issues result in relation to men and women. I will explain each issue inshallah but I would like first to quote the hadeeth in Arabic, highlight the key words (in Arabic) and then translate them because the provided translation has some mistakes, which most likely the cause of your confusion.

    These two issues are mentioned in two seperate hadeeths that are both documented in the Sahih Hadeeth books. This should be noted so that one do not think of it as one narration and so that one avoid linking parts together while trying to understand them.

    (1) The First Hadeeth is reported in Sahih Muslim (314):

    أن امرأة قالت لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : هل تغتسل المرأة إذا احتلمت وأبصرت الماء ؟ فقال ” نعم ” فقالت لها عائشة : تربت يداك . وألت . قالت فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ” دعيها . وهل يكون الشبه إلا من قبل ذلك . إذا علا ماؤها ماء الرجل أشبه الولد أخواله . وإذا علا ماء الرجل ماءها أشبه أعمامه ” .


    “Aisha (رضي الله عنها) reported: one woman asked the Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم): “is woman required to perform ghusl (i.e. wash up according to the prescribed way) in case she had a wet dream and noticed the wetness? He replied: Yes. Aisha blamed the woman for asking such embarrasing question. However, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: Let her ask, for i resemblance happens because of it. when herwater is dominant, the born child resembles his maternal uncles but if sperm of the man was dominant, the born child should resemble his paternal uncles.”

    The content of this narration is reported in other narrations as well and despite the slight difference of words, all narrations include the highlighted words.

    They key words of this hadeeth are:

    a- water [i.e. liquid] of women
    b-sperm of men
    c- dominance
    d- resemblance

    The topic of this hadeeth is about resemblance.

    This narration goes along with the genetic science that resemblance of children is explained through the theory of dominance where only superior genes appear on the child. It is also known that sperm is alkalic whereas women “ejaculated fluid” is Acidic. In order for sperm to reach the woman egg it has to go through the woman discharge. Thus, when acidic and alkalic fluids meet, alkalic fluids either neutralize, or overpower, acidic sperm and hence cause sperm to preserve its nature [i.e. men genes become weak] or that alkalic discharge effect acidic sperm and makes it weak. [This can be one of the interpretations and understanding…]

    You or anyone else may argue, well this is not convincing though it might be possible for this we cannot accept this narration as authentic. I say, well it is obvious that rejecting it is based on assumption of what this text implies and hence a judgmenet is made. However, as this supposed to be scinetifically examined then we only can reach this decession based on facts and certanity. ANd this is what I will offer now inshallah in support of this hadeeth.

    One major point that may cause all this confusion about this hadeeth and hence some people find it problemtic is because they tend to immeditaly understand the word “water of women” to mean ejaculated fluid that happens due to intimicay or arousing.

    If we pay attention to the words used in this hadeeth we will find outsnading findings i.e. He صلى الله عليه وسلم used the word “water” in reference to the liquid of women and he did not specify it any further.

    As some may suggest, how come this hadeeth be possible and correct when we know that women ejaculated discharges have nothing to do with resemblance or identifying the sex of the born child!!!

    We say in response, I agree with you and for this reason we need rely on the princible number 3 that I have listed above i.e. we should reconsider our understanding of this hadeeth. So how should we understand it?

    Well, there is no one better to explain one narration except the one who said it. For this reason, let’s know first what the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم meant with “water of women” since he did not specify it. Well, true that he did not specify it but he actually described it when he said in another narration ” the water” of women is yellow and thin. So, what is that fluid that has such description?

    Simple, it is known that ejaculated discharges due to arousing or intimiacy are white. The only liquid that is yellow is actually called “Follicuar Fluid” that is discharged without being related to copulation or being aroused and it is directly related to preganacy. It comes out with a thin layer called follicle of which inside there is a small egg that supposed to combine with the men sperm during fertilization in order for a child to be created.

    Finally, I would like you to understand that these narrations came in response to questions about why? and not to answer a question of how? In other words neither the questioner nor answerer [i.e. the Prophet] intended to explain the howness of this process. Rather, he wanted to explain why children sometimes resemble their fathers and some other times resemble their mothers. This is proven and well explained in the other hadeeth when the Prophet clearly state that resemblence is a pure genetic when a woman delivered a black boy and the man doubted that he his wife may slept with another man as none of the family was balck. When he explained it to the man he told him that a genetics of great grandfather may effect grand children. From this you know that it is obvious that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) acknowledged that determining thethe howness was left for us to discover but the hadeeth only provided us with the key, which is the answer to why this happen.

    and with the blessing of Allah, good deeds are performed.

    Wallahu A’lam

    – Regarding the alkalic vs acidic environment….However it is not true, that the amount of exposure can “weaken” their genes. Either the environment allows them to survive and it can fertilize an egg or it doesn’t, and there will be no child at all. There isn’t an inbetween where they still survive but with a “weakened” gene…

    My beloved brother,

    I already took in consideration what you said and I even stated that one may argue the incorrectness of this “possible” interpretation. Thus, I made a note of that then started explaining the actual sound understanding of the text and the principle that upon one need to rely on while doing so. Please read my post from the part when I said: .

    Ayman bin Khalid said: You or anyone else may argue, well this is not convincing though it might be possible for this we cannot accept this narration as authentic. I say, well it is obvious that rejecting it is based on assumption of what this text implies and hence a judgmenet is made. However, as this supposed to be scinetifically examined then we only can reach this decession based on facts and certanity. ANd this is what I will offer now inshallah in support of this hadeeth.

    To sum it up:

    a. The hadeeth only addresses the topic of resemblance.
    b. Science state that ejaculated liquids of women is irrelevant to childbearing or resemblance.
    c. The hadeeth is only addressing the topic of “resemblance”.
    d.THe hadeeth called the liquid of women as “water” without specifying its nature or type.
    e. In other hadeeth this water has been descriped as “yellow and thin”.
    f. Science state that only “Follicuar Fluid” has such description whereas other ejaculated liquids are white in color.
    g. Science state that “Follicuar Fluid” that has a layer that contains inside the egg is involved in the process. Beacuse men has semen that include sperm and woman has follicuar fluid that includes the egg.

    Based on this, the hadeeth become clear and understood. And there is no need to dig into it any further beacuse as we said the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم was not explaining genetic science!! He was only answering how a child sometimes resemble his fathers side and some other times his mother side. If you keep this in mind you will realize that what you talk about is the howness of such process while the hadeeth is only tells us just why it happens. So, one should not add assumptions or take the hadeeth out of its context then examine it based on such assumptions!!

    Barak Allahu feekum and I have nothing further left to say as whatever I will say after will be within the lines I have written before. Also, you should not busy yourself with so much thinking about matters that do not benefit you in your hereafter. Neither Allah nor His Messenger asked you to validiate science. They wanted from you and us to know from this hadeeth to show the Power of Allah in such process that everyone take from granted as something normal and hence should not be that complicated. Take the moral of it and move on and look for other signs that stentghen your Imaan.

    Barak Allahu feekum and may Allah enlighten you and us with what benefit you in this life and the hereafter.

    Wallahu al-Muwaffiq

    Secondly, the hadeeth you quoted might not be regarding gender; but the one I quoted clearly is. This is a different, second hadeeth, the one I quoted from the beginning; not the one from bukhari you brought up. It is found in tefsir ibn Kathir and goes:

    The part of narration that talks about this particular topic is actually found in Sahih Muslim and hence there is no need to reference it to Tafsir Ibn Katheer.

    The Main Principles:

    a- Quran and Sunnah must be understood according to Arabic langauge after gathering all narrations together as one narration may explain another.

    b- In case a hadeeth or an Ayah is proven authentic then we find it contradicting a fact or a sensible event that is agreed on, we reconsider our understanding of the text because an authentic text cannot contradict a fact or agreed on truth.

    Scientific Facts:

    a. The egg is always the carrier of the X chromosome (XX).

    b. The spermcell of a man is the carrier of X and Y chromosomes. [i.e. It carries man and women chromosome].

    c. a. Determining the gender of children depends solely on the chromosome of the spermcell of the man.

    d. The combination of the “X” chromosome of the woman with the chromosome “Y” of the man creates a boy. However, if the “X” chromosome of the woman combine with the chromosome “X” of the man creates a girl.

    e. “Y” is manly while X is womanly.

    Study of the Hadeeth:

    a. Some scholars such like Ibn al-Qaiym questioned the authenticity of the words “it becomes male…it becomes female” and said it is a possible mistake made by one of the narrators in the chain as the preserved text states about resemblance.

    b. As we know that women has no role in deciding the gender of the child when fertilization takes place and the text appears to state something that seem to contradict this fact, we need to resort to laid down principles in order to guideline our understanding. This principle state that in such case, we reconsider our understanding to the texts. How? I will explain it in the following point.

    c. It is important to pay attention to the used words in the hadeeth. The key words we would like to highlight (I will translate the words of the text litterally to explain it further).

    The Hadeeth in Arabic is:

    ” ماء الرجل أبيض وماء المرأة أصفر . فإذا اجتمعا، فعلا مني الرجل مني المرأة ، أذكرا بإذن الله . وإذا علا مني المرأة مني الرجل ، آنثا بإذن الله

    Literal Translation:

    The water of the man is white and the water of the woman is yellow. When they get together, if the sperm of the man become above the sperm of the woman, the child is male, by the permession of Allah, and if the sperm of the woman becomes above the sperm of the man, the child is a female by the permession of Allah.


    a- The word above here means “dominant” as this is one of the known meaning of the word “above” and has been used in Quran to mean “dominant and controlled”.

    b. The first half of the hadeeth referred to the man and woman liquids as “water” while in the second half he became more specific as referred to it as “sperm”.

    c. We already know that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم mentioned in other hadeeths that the “water” of women is involved in process of fertilization. Then we realized that this water has a description that does not befit ejaculated fuilds since ejaculated fluids are white in color whereas he described the color as yellow and thin.

    d. The sound understanding of this text is that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم was referring in this hadeeth to the male and female chromosome of the spermcell of the man (X as the female chromosome and Y as the male chromosome). Based on this, the Prophet meant that when the male factor is dominant then it is a boy but when the female factor is domionant then it is a girl. This is what science states and this is the sound understanding that one should have beacuse the text can be understood in various ways and we know that authentic texts must be in agreement with agreed on facts.

    So, what caused the confusion?

    Simple, it is because when people “understood” it, they assumed that the “sperm” words used in this hadeeth refer to a man and a woman while as a matter of fact, he صلى الله عليه وسلم was referring to the sperm of the man only which is always a carrier of male and female chromosomes. This is supported by the fact that the word “sperm” is always execulsively for man when women liquid is always called water only.

    I hope inshallah this gives you better understanding to the texts and I ask Allah that He removes all doubts from your heart and strentghen your Imaan.

    Barak Allahu feekum

    Wallahu A”lam


    Another point of scientific analysis is the following

    More Acidic – Lower PH Makes you More Likely To Have A Girl Baby: If you check your vagina with PH testing strips and then notice that it is lower on the chart, that means that you are more acidic. (I’m not giving actual PH ranges here because they vary based on the kit or method / chart that you are using.) If you are more acidic, you are more likely to conceive a girl baby.
    The reason for this is that the Y sperm chromosomes produce boys. And these Y’s deteriorate quite quickly in an acidic vagina. That means there’s less of them to fight for the egg.
    High PH / Being Alkaline And It’s Affect On Baby Gender: On the other hand, if you have a high PH on the chart / kit that you are using, you’re more likely to have a boy baby. The reason is that you don’t have the acidity that is detrimental the Y sperm. So those Y’s are then present in a larger amount. And, since they are faster then the X sperm chromosomes that produce girls, their larger numbers and faster speed makes it more likely that it’s one of them that will fertilize the egg.
    08-19-2012, 04:06 PM
    Asalaamu Alaikum,

    Jazakallahkair bro, have you read this as well, what do you make of it?
    08-22-2012, 08:28 PM
    سۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

    وعليكم السللام ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Akhi al habib Abu Naeem

    Unless you have background of studying medicine as profession your understanding of human embryology is remarkable!

    he صلى الله عليه وسلم was referring to the sperm of the man only which is always a carrier of male and female chromosomes.


    Based on above there are few points (green text) which may elaborate further what you have said in your post, InshaAllah.

    1. Human cell normally has 46 chromosomes.To make male sperm and female ovum cell divides and contains half the original number i.e. 23 chromosomes in each sperm and ovum.

    Out of these 23 chromosomes one is sex chromosome (which determines sex of the child) and remaining 22 chromosomes determine other features.On fertilization of sperm with ovum number of chromosomes return to 46 again.

    In case of female ovum all sex chromosomes are x-chromosome and in case of male half are x-chromosomes and half are y-chromosome.

    2. During mating process single discharge of fluid مني contains millions of sperms.

    Half of these sperms contain x- chromosomes or مني المرأة

    and half contain y-chromosomes or مني الرجل

    3. At the time of mating sperm are deposited at a distance from ovum and they swim towards the ovum.

    There is fierce competition between these millions of sperms, carrying either x or y chromosomes, to fertilize the ovum and only one is to fertilize the ovum normally.

    So if sperm containing y- chromosome or مني الرجل wins the competition, by fertilizing the ovum, and becomes علا , then a male child will be born with will of Allah.

    And if sperm containing x- chromosome or مني المرأة wins the competition, by fertilizing the ovum, and becomes علا then a female child will be born with will of Allah

    ” ماء الرجل أبيض وماء المرأة أصفر . فإذا اجتمعا، فعلا مني الرجل مني المرأة ، أذكرا بإذن الله . وإذا علا مني المرأة مني الرجل ، آنثا بإذن الله

    And Allah knows best.

    (normally sperm containing x-chromosome is lighter and wins more frequently explaining higher number of female population in the world as compared to male)

    08-22-2012, 09:11 PM
    سۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

    وعليكم السللام ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Akhi al habib Abu Naeem

    Unless you have background of studying medicine as profession your understanding of human embryology is remarkable!


    walaykum salam warahmatullahi wa barakatuhu wa maghfirtuhu

    Boy are you crazy. All of that is mumbo jumbo to me. i didn’t author this. I clearly said that I took this post from another forum and brought it here. The research into it was from our Ayman bin Khaalid haafidhahullah.

    asalamu alaykum
    Asyrop Al-Indunisy
    08-29-2012, 04:04 AM
    so to sums those two hadeeth:

    1. first, about resemblance. the Prophet salallahu alayhi wassalam just used the most appropriate sentence at that time. it might be hinting about DNA, but the howness wasn’t explained.
    2. second, the whole sentence is about . and again, he just used what was appropriate for shahaba’s understandings.

    thankfully I read this thread without any heart disease (like doubts, especially doubts). now my heart is at ease. thank you ustad boriqee.
    08-29-2012, 11:34 AM
    let me make it clear that i had nothing to do with the above information. The above information was all on Aymen bin Khalid. i just posted it here, thats it

    08-29-2012, 03:32 PM
    by Allah’s leave. Hence, if the man’s is more than the woman’s, the child will be male, by Allah’s leave. If the woman’s discharge is more than the man’s, then the child will be female, by Allah’s leave.’

    This is the same thing they said on National Geographic channel as they said it happens the same with animals too.

  9. I really pity Sameer,as he has not only lost his way but stubbornly want to bear the burden of leading other ignorant minds in error.I have really taken time out to study his errors and it aches my mind that he sheepishly regurgitate the errors of the Christian apologists,missionaries and orientalists without carefully investigating the thorough Islamic responses to those misgivings.Another of such is this issue of “the sun setting under Allaah’s throne”.

    Any rudimentary acquaintance with the islamic belief systems called ‘aqeedah will tell you that Allaah’s throne belongs to the unseen-‘alghaybiyyaat’ as it is called.And thus his narrow materialistic objection and ridicule collapses upon him.For some further analysis read this:


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    “And the Sun runs on to its place of settlement…”
    the Scientific Research Committee –
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    Allah says: “And the Sun runs on to its place of settlement. That is the determination of the Mighty the Knowing.” [Sûrah YâSîn: 38]

    What does it mean that the “Sun runs on to its place of settlement?” When is this? How is this?

    Abû Dharr al-Ghifârî, one of the Prophet Muhammad’s Companions, relates the following:
    The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to me: “O Abû Dharr! Do you know where the Sun goes when it sets?”

    I said: “Allah and His Messenger know best.”

    He said: “It goes until it prostrates beneath the Throne. Then it seeks permission and permission is granted to it. Soon it will prostrate and it will not be accepted from it, and seek permission and will not be granted permission. It will be said to it: ‘Go back where you came from.’ Then it will rise from its setting place. This is Allah’s statement: ‘And the Sun runs on to its place of settlement. That is the determination of the Mighty the Knowing. [Sûrah YâSîn: 38]’.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (3199, 7424)]
    It is also found in. Its text, as related by Abû Dharr al-Ghifârî, is as follows:
    The Prophet (peace be upon him) said one day: “Do you know where the Sun goes when it sets?”

    They said: “Allah and His Messenger know best.”

    He said: “It goes until it arrives at its place of settlement beneath the Throne. Then it falls down in prostration and remains like that until it is said to it: ‘Arise! Go back from whence you came.’ Then it goes back and rises from its place of rising. Then it goes until it arrives at its place of settlement beneath the Throne. Then it falls down in prostration and remains like that until it is said to it: ‘Arise! Go back from whence you came.’ Then it goes back and rises from its place of rising. Then it goes without people finding anything wrong with it until it arrives at that place of settlement it has beneath the throne. Then it will be told: ‘Arise! Enter upon the morning rising from your setting place’.”

    Then Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “Do you know when that will be? It will be when ‘its faith will not avail a soul which had not believed before or earned some good from its faith. [Sûrah al-An`âm: 157]’.” [Sahîh Muslim (159,205) ]
    The hadîth is also found in Sahîh al-Bukhârî in a highly abridged form (4803, 7433). Its text reads:
    I asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) about Allah’s statement: “And the Sun runs on to its place of settlement… [Sûrah YâSîn: 38]”.

    He said: “Its place of settlement is beneath the throne.”
    Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalânî, in Fath al-Bârî, his commentary on Sahîh al-Bukhârî, writes:
    This was how Wakî` related it from al-A`mash in an abbreviated form. It is a narration by meaning. In the previous narration of the hadîth, the Prophet (peace be upon him) asked Abû Dharr: “Do you know where the Sun goes when it sets?” [Fath al-Bârî (8/688)]
    What about the fact that the Earth goes around the Sun?

    Some people have wondered how these texts should be understood in relation to the Earth’s movement around the Sun and the fact that sunrise and sunset are a consequence of the Earth revolving around its axis. What they fail to realize is that these texts talk about the Sun’s relationship to the Throne of Allah, not its relationship to the Earth.

    The first point that we need to consider is that nowhere in any of these texts is it mentioned that the Sun is revolving around the Earth. The word used for the Sun’s motion in all of these texts is the verb “tajrî” meaning “to go, flow, proceed”. This verb is not qualified by any other words indicating a spherical motion of any kind or any specific type of motion relative to the Earth.

    The second point that we must consider is that nowhere does the hadîth discuss the mechanics of the Sun’s motion in any way. Likewise, it says nothing about the mechanics of the motions of the Sun and the Earth on that fateful day when the Sun will rise from the West.

    Thirdly, the place of settlement mentioned in the hadîth is beneath the throne and not under the Earth.

    What we know scientifically about the Sun is that it is indeed in motion. It is traveling around the center of the galaxy at roughly 220 km/s in an orbit that takes about 230 million years to complete.

    It may be interesting to take note of the fact that the Qur’ân mentions an orbital motion for the Sun. Allah says: “It is not for the Sun to overtake the Moon, nor does the night outstrip the day. They float each in an orbit.” [Sûrah YâSîn: 40]

    However, we must caution that the verse says nothing about the nature or placement of the Sun’s orbit. It states only that the Sun has one.

    As for the Sun’s relationship to the Throne, which is what the hadîth is discussing, this is something that we cannot speculate about. The Throne is part of the Unseen and we know nothing about it except what Allah and His Messenger tell us about it. It follows that the Sun’s behavior in relationship to the throne, both spatially and temporally, is also a matter of the Unseen.

    We must believe whatever Allah and His Messenger inform us about the Sun’s relationship to Allah’s Throne and not speculate any further on the subject.

    We can, therefore, safely conclude that these texts are not taking about the Sun’s relationship to the Earth at all. They certainly do not indicate that the Sun orbits the Earth”.

    For still more extensive explanation and clarifications see

    One can go on refuting his other objections but for time.His whole arguments are in general lame,incoherent and based on ignorance,prejudices and aping of others.May Allaah open his eyes and minds to retrace his steps before the Doomsday.Ameen.

  10. Concerning the Hadith about rotting of meat, an Arab-speaking Muslim brother gave 4 explanations for that Hadith none of which corresponds to your erroneous superficial understanding. If you don’t understand Arabic, you may ask an Arab friend to translate for you as I’m really busy and don’t have time to do so. Here you go:

    أما الآراء التفسيرية في فهم هذا الحديث ، فهي التالية :
    الرأي الأول : ذهب بعض أهل العلم إلى شرح هذا الحديث بأن المقصود فيه : أن بني إسرائيل كانوا لشُحّهم يدّخرون الأطعمة ، حتى التي يُفسدها الادخارُ ، كاللحم ، وأنهم هم أول من أشاع هذه السنة السيئة ، أو أول من سوّغها للناس باسم الدين والشريعة . فكان ادخارُهم هذا هو السببَ في أن شاع هذا الشحُّ بين الناس ، فصاروا يُقدّمون ادخارَ الأطعمة حتى تفسد على أن ينفقوها قبل فسادها .
    ولذلك صح أن يقال عنهم : إنه لولاهم لما فسد اللحم والطعام ، بمعنى لولا إشاعتهم طريقة الادخار السيئة هذه لما شاع فسادها بسببه .
    فالأولية هنا لا تحكي أولية فساد اللحم (كما ظن الطاعنون) , وإنما هي أولية إشاعة سنة الإفساد بالادّخار . كما تقول عمن اخترع طريقة جديدة في السرقة يصعب التحرّز منها , فشاعت السرقة بسببه : لولا فلان ما سرق السارقون ! والسرقة موجودة منذ وُجدت الخيانة في بني آدم .
    ولا ننسى أن مما يؤيد ذلك : أنه بسبب شهرة اليهود بشُحِّ ادّخار الأطعمة هذا كانت العربُ تُسميهم ( الخُـنّاز ) ، كما ذكرتُه كتب المعاجم القديمة .
    بل بخل اليهود هو جزاء الله تعالى لهم , وخبره سبحانه عنهم , لما وصفوا الله تعالى وتقدس بإمساك اليد عن العطاء { وقَالتِ اليَهُودُ يًدُ الله مَغْلُولَةٌ غُلّتْ أَيْدِيهم }.
    ومن المعلوم من عقائد اليهود : نظرتُهم الاستعلائية على باقي شعوب الأرض الذين يسمونهم بالأُمَـمِيِّين , وهو مما أثبته ربُّنا عز وجلّ عنهم في كتابه الكريم , وهو موجود أيضًا في توراتهم المحرف حتى اليوم , ومشهودٌ في واقعنا المعاصر لدى العنصريين منهم والمتشددين . فلا يُستغرب أن يُقدّم اليهودُ فسادَ الطعام على إنفاقه , وإنتانَه على أن ينتفع به غيرُهم .
    الثاني : وقيل معناه : لولا أن الله تعالى قد علم ما سيقع من بني آدم من الشح والبخل والمنع ، وبخاصة منهم بنو إسرائيل ، لما جعل اللحم يفسد ، ولتنعّمَ الناسُ به بلا فساد . لكنه تعالى لما علم أن الشح سيجعل الأغنياء يجمعون اللحوم ويدخرونها ، وبذلك يمنعونها من الفقراء ، فمنعهم هو تعالى من ذلك بإسراع الفساد إليها .
    ويشهد لهذا المعنى ما رواه وهب بن منبه عن كتب أهل الكتاب ، أن الله تعالى قال : (( لولا أني كتبت الفساد على الطعام , لخزنه الأغنياء عن الفقراء )) .
    الثالث : وذكروا معنى آخر : وهو أن معنى الحديث : أن بني إسرائيل عندما أنزل الله عليهم المن والسلوى ( والسلوى هي طيور السمان ) ، وكان الله تعالى قد تكفّل لهم بما يكفيهم منها ، فصاروا يكنزونها ، بتجفيفها وتقديدها ، فابتلاهم الله تعالى بفسادها فسادا خارجا عن المألوف ، فكان يُسرع الفساد إلى اللحوم عندهم أسرع من فساد اللحم المعتاد عند غيرهم . ويذكرون ذلك في تفسير قوله تعالى { وَظَلَّلْنَا عَلَيْكُمُ الْغَمَامَ وَأَنزَلْنَا عَلَيْكُمُ الْمَنَّ وَالسَّلْوَىٰ كُلُوا مِن طَيِّبَاتِ مَا رَزَقْنَاكُمْ وَمَا ظَلَمُونَا وَلَٰكِن كَانُوا أَنفُسَهُمْ يَظْلِمُونَ } .
    فليس معنى الحديث : أن اللحم لم يكن يفسد قبل بني إسرائيل ، ولكن معناه : أن اللحم لم يكن يفسد على الناس قبل بني إسرائيل فساده لهم ، كما لا يفسد على من قدّده وادخره من الأمم التي لم تُنه عن الادخار ، حتى عصا بنو إسرائيل ربهم عزوجل بادخاره ، ففسد عليهم ، عقوبة من الله تعالى { وَمَا ظَلَمُونَا وَلَٰكِن كَانُوا أَنفُسَهُمْ يَظْلِمُونَ } .
    رابعا : ويظهر لي معنى آخر ، غير ما سبق ، وينفع أن يكون هذا المعنى الجديد متمما للمعنى السابق . وهو معنى محتمل أيضا ، لأنه ليس مرفوضا نظريا من الناحية العلمية , بل يشهد لمثله العلمُ الحديث : وهو أنه من المحتمل أن يكون بسبب الادخار والشح الذي كان عليه بنو إسرائيل ، وبسبب أنهم قد ضموا إلى هذه المخالفة الشرعية والسَّوْأة الأخلاقية طريقةً خاطئة في الادخار (كما هو متوقع من جهلهم وبدائية علومهم) : نشأ بسبب ذلك كله (عقوبةً إلهية وسنة كونية) نوعٌ جديد من البكتيريا أو سلالةٌ جديدة من الجراثيم تُسرع بإفساد اللحم ، لم تكن موجودة قبل زمنهم ، فأصبح اللحم يفسد بعدهم أسرع من فساده المألوف قبل ذلك , بسببهم . فصحَّ أن يُقال عنهم لذلك : ((‏ ‏لَوْلَا ‏بَنُو إِسْرَائِيلَ ‏‏لَمْ ‏يَـخْنَزِ اللَّحْمُ ‏)).
    فليس المقصود بالحديث أن اللحم لم يكن يفسد بتاتا قبل بني إسرائيل ، فهذا (كما سبق) لا يمكن أن يتصوره عاقل . وإنما المقصود : أن إسراعا بالإفساد هو الذي ظهر على الأطعمة في بني إسرائيل ، وبسببهم , وأن اللحم أصبح منذ زمنهم معرضا لسرعة الفساد ولشدته , بعد أن ظهرت تلك الأسباب التي تُسرّعه .
    وهذا ليس غريبا على العلم الحديث , فكلنا يشاهد اليوم ويطالع من حين لآخر أخبارا علمية وتقريرات مختبرات متخصصة عن ظهور أنواع جديدة من البكتيريا القاتلة والمكروبات الضارة والفيروسات الخطيرة ، وبعضها يكون بسبب تصرفات بشرية خاطئة ، بدءا بالإيدز ، وانتهاء بأنفلونزا الطيور والخنازير ، وتطوراتها المتعددة وأجيالها الخطيرة المتجددة .
    فلو قال قائل : لولا انتشار الفاحشة الشاذة في الأمة الفلانية لما ظهرت في البشرية هذه الأمراض الفتاكة ، ومر على البشرية آلاف السنين بعد هذه المقالة ، حتى نسيت البشريةُ النشأة الجديدة لهذه الأمراض ، وحتى اعتادوا على وجودها بينهم ، لربما ظن ذلك الجيل من البشرية أن هذا الإطلاق إطلاق غير معقول ! ولم يتنبهوا إلى أن هذا الإطلاق صحيح , وأن خطايا البشر قد تُحدث من الفساد ما لا يعرفه أسلافهم .
    إذن : من الممكن أن يكون المقصود بالحديث : لولا بنو إسرائيل لما أسرع الفساد إلى اللحم الإسراع الذي صار معهودا بعدما نشأت تلك المسبِّبات له على أيديهم !
    وتخيلوا لو أن العلم الحديث توصّل إلى هذا الأمر : إلى أن نوعا من البكتيريا التي تسبب إسراع فساد اللحم لم يكن موجودا في عصور بشرية سحيقة , قبل بني إسرائيل : هل سيصبح هذا الحديث حينئذٍ إعجازا علميا ودليلا من دلائل النبوة , بعد أن كان طعنا في السنة وفي منهج نقدها ؟! كما حصل ذلك في حديث الذبابة!

  11. Hi there. These are four explanations by an Arab-speaking Muslim brother regarding the Hadith about the rotting of meat. If you don’t understand Arabic, ask an Arab friend to translate for you.

    أما الآراء التفسيرية في فهم هذا الحديث ، فهي التالية :
    الرأي الأول : ذهب بعض أهل العلم إلى شرح هذا الحديث بأن المقصود فيه : أن بني إسرائيل كانوا لشُحّهم يدّخرون الأطعمة ، حتى التي يُفسدها الادخارُ ، كاللحم ، وأنهم هم أول من أشاع هذه السنة السيئة ، أو أول من سوّغها للناس باسم الدين والشريعة . فكان ادخارُهم هذا هو السببَ في أن شاع هذا الشحُّ بين الناس ، فصاروا يُقدّمون ادخارَ الأطعمة حتى تفسد على أن ينفقوها قبل فسادها .
    ولذلك صح أن يقال عنهم : إنه لولاهم لما فسد اللحم والطعام ، بمعنى لولا إشاعتهم طريقة الادخار السيئة هذه لما شاع فسادها بسببه .
    فالأولية هنا لا تحكي أولية فساد اللحم (كما ظن الطاعنون) , وإنما هي أولية إشاعة سنة الإفساد بالادّخار . كما تقول عمن اخترع طريقة جديدة في السرقة يصعب التحرّز منها , فشاعت السرقة بسببه : لولا فلان ما سرق السارقون ! والسرقة موجودة منذ وُجدت الخيانة في بني آدم .
    ولا ننسى أن مما يؤيد ذلك : أنه بسبب شهرة اليهود بشُحِّ ادّخار الأطعمة هذا كانت العربُ تُسميهم ( الخُـنّاز ) ، كما ذكرتُه كتب المعاجم القديمة .
    بل بخل اليهود هو جزاء الله تعالى لهم , وخبره سبحانه عنهم , لما وصفوا الله تعالى وتقدس بإمساك اليد عن العطاء { وقَالتِ اليَهُودُ يًدُ الله مَغْلُولَةٌ غُلّتْ أَيْدِيهم }.
    ومن المعلوم من عقائد اليهود : نظرتُهم الاستعلائية على باقي شعوب الأرض الذين يسمونهم بالأُمَـمِيِّين , وهو مما أثبته ربُّنا عز وجلّ عنهم في كتابه الكريم , وهو موجود أيضًا في توراتهم المحرف حتى اليوم , ومشهودٌ في واقعنا المعاصر لدى العنصريين منهم والمتشددين . فلا يُستغرب أن يُقدّم اليهودُ فسادَ الطعام على إنفاقه , وإنتانَه على أن ينتفع به غيرُهم .
    الثاني : وقيل معناه : لولا أن الله تعالى قد علم ما سيقع من بني آدم من الشح والبخل والمنع ، وبخاصة منهم بنو إسرائيل ، لما جعل اللحم يفسد ، ولتنعّمَ الناسُ به بلا فساد . لكنه تعالى لما علم أن الشح سيجعل الأغنياء يجمعون اللحوم ويدخرونها ، وبذلك يمنعونها من الفقراء ، فمنعهم هو تعالى من ذلك بإسراع الفساد إليها .
    ويشهد لهذا المعنى ما رواه وهب بن منبه عن كتب أهل الكتاب ، أن الله تعالى قال : (( لولا أني كتبت الفساد على الطعام , لخزنه الأغنياء عن الفقراء )) .
    الثالث : وذكروا معنى آخر : وهو أن معنى الحديث : أن بني إسرائيل عندما أنزل الله عليهم المن والسلوى ( والسلوى هي طيور السمان ) ، وكان الله تعالى قد تكفّل لهم بما يكفيهم منها ، فصاروا يكنزونها ، بتجفيفها وتقديدها ، فابتلاهم الله تعالى بفسادها فسادا خارجا عن المألوف ، فكان يُسرع الفساد إلى اللحوم عندهم أسرع من فساد اللحم المعتاد عند غيرهم . ويذكرون ذلك في تفسير قوله تعالى { وَظَلَّلْنَا عَلَيْكُمُ الْغَمَامَ وَأَنزَلْنَا عَلَيْكُمُ الْمَنَّ وَالسَّلْوَىٰ كُلُوا مِن طَيِّبَاتِ مَا رَزَقْنَاكُمْ وَمَا ظَلَمُونَا وَلَٰكِن كَانُوا أَنفُسَهُمْ يَظْلِمُونَ } .
    فليس معنى الحديث : أن اللحم لم يكن يفسد قبل بني إسرائيل ، ولكن معناه : أن اللحم لم يكن يفسد على الناس قبل بني إسرائيل فساده لهم ، كما لا يفسد على من قدّده وادخره من الأمم التي لم تُنه عن الادخار ، حتى عصا بنو إسرائيل ربهم عزوجل بادخاره ، ففسد عليهم ، عقوبة من الله تعالى { وَمَا ظَلَمُونَا وَلَٰكِن كَانُوا أَنفُسَهُمْ يَظْلِمُونَ } .
    رابعا : ويظهر لي معنى آخر ، غير ما سبق ، وينفع أن يكون هذا المعنى الجديد متمما للمعنى السابق . وهو معنى محتمل أيضا ، لأنه ليس مرفوضا نظريا من الناحية العلمية , بل يشهد لمثله العلمُ الحديث : وهو أنه من المحتمل أن يكون بسبب الادخار والشح الذي كان عليه بنو إسرائيل ، وبسبب أنهم قد ضموا إلى هذه المخالفة الشرعية والسَّوْأة الأخلاقية طريقةً خاطئة في الادخار (كما هو متوقع من جهلهم وبدائية علومهم) : نشأ بسبب ذلك كله (عقوبةً إلهية وسنة كونية) نوعٌ جديد من البكتيريا أو سلالةٌ جديدة من الجراثيم تُسرع بإفساد اللحم ، لم تكن موجودة قبل زمنهم ، فأصبح اللحم يفسد بعدهم أسرع من فساده المألوف قبل ذلك , بسببهم . فصحَّ أن يُقال عنهم لذلك : ((‏ ‏لَوْلَا ‏بَنُو إِسْرَائِيلَ ‏‏لَمْ ‏يَـخْنَزِ اللَّحْمُ ‏)).
    فليس المقصود بالحديث أن اللحم لم يكن يفسد بتاتا قبل بني إسرائيل ، فهذا (كما سبق) لا يمكن أن يتصوره عاقل . وإنما المقصود : أن إسراعا بالإفساد هو الذي ظهر على الأطعمة في بني إسرائيل ، وبسببهم , وأن اللحم أصبح منذ زمنهم معرضا لسرعة الفساد ولشدته , بعد أن ظهرت تلك الأسباب التي تُسرّعه .
    وهذا ليس غريبا على العلم الحديث , فكلنا يشاهد اليوم ويطالع من حين لآخر أخبارا علمية وتقريرات مختبرات متخصصة عن ظهور أنواع جديدة من البكتيريا القاتلة والمكروبات الضارة والفيروسات الخطيرة ، وبعضها يكون بسبب تصرفات بشرية خاطئة ، بدءا بالإيدز ، وانتهاء بأنفلونزا الطيور والخنازير ، وتطوراتها المتعددة وأجيالها الخطيرة المتجددة .
    فلو قال قائل : لولا انتشار الفاحشة الشاذة في الأمة الفلانية لما ظهرت في البشرية هذه الأمراض الفتاكة ، ومر على البشرية آلاف السنين بعد هذه المقالة ، حتى نسيت البشريةُ النشأة الجديدة لهذه الأمراض ، وحتى اعتادوا على وجودها بينهم ، لربما ظن ذلك الجيل من البشرية أن هذا الإطلاق إطلاق غير معقول ! ولم يتنبهوا إلى أن هذا الإطلاق صحيح , وأن خطايا البشر قد تُحدث من الفساد ما لا يعرفه أسلافهم .
    إذن : من الممكن أن يكون المقصود بالحديث : لولا بنو إسرائيل لما أسرع الفساد إلى اللحم الإسراع الذي صار معهودا بعدما نشأت تلك المسبِّبات له على أيديهم !
    وتخيلوا لو أن العلم الحديث توصّل إلى هذا الأمر : إلى أن نوعا من البكتيريا التي تسبب إسراع فساد اللحم لم يكن موجودا في عصور بشرية سحيقة , قبل بني إسرائيل : هل سيصبح هذا الحديث حينئذٍ إعجازا علميا ودليلا من دلائل النبوة , بعد أن كان طعنا في السنة وفي منهج نقدها ؟! كما حصل ذلك في حديث الذبابة!

  12. Assalaamu ‘alaykum,Bro Riadh and jazakumullaah khayran for sharing this.
    This comment you have posted is absolutely brilliant.Anybody who has taken a course in traditional ‘mantiq’ or logic in the Western parlance can see shallowness in Sameer’s understanding of the hadeeth concerned.I had posted a historical and scientific porousness of his contentions but for reasons I do not yet know it has not been published.

    Ask those who know,the Islamic scholars and thinkers are some of the brightest minds in all of human history.I know this for a fact.If you have read works of the likes of Abu Haamid AlGhazaalee,Ibn Tayimyyah and Ibn Qayyim,Qaadi Abubakr AlBaqillaanee,etc you will know that if deep reasoning and penetrative insights with sincerity could lead a man away from Islaam,these would have been in the first turn to kufr. Sagacious intellects do not give up Islaam only weak,shallow and ignorant ones do.One of the regrets of the denizens of the Fire would be that they neither listen to these selfless Prophets and Messengers-‘alayhimussalaam-of Allaah that they themselves know to be truthful and sincere nor make sagacious use of their minds and intellects to see witness the truthfulness of the calls of these great teachers.Says the Qur’aan 67:10-11:

    “And they will say, “If only we had been listening or reasoning, we would not be among the companions of the Blaze.And they will admit their sin, so [it is] alienation for the companions of the Blaze”.

    These two are fundamental crimes of those who end up in the fire as they themselves would ultimately admit-they neither trusted the authorities of the veritable Messengers-Nooh,Ibraaheem,Moosaa,’Eesaa and Muhammad-peace be on them all-and the rest of the Guides from the Most High nor use their intellects sagaciously.Consequently,they end up in the Fire.May Allaah protect me,Sameer and all those who sincerely seek His Face from it.

    Sameer was not fare to himself when he jumped into the battle field of contending with those who are more staunched in kufr than he is in eemaan without any shield nor armor.What do you expect of a soldier who confronts a well-trained enemy combatant in his armor car with only a blunt sword in his own hands but injuries,humiliating defeat and possibly death ultimately.Sameer simply larked the required ilm and yaqeen to deal with the doubts he plunged himself into.Allaah’s Messenger-peace be upon him-predicted that a man would he hear that the false Messiah-Dajjaal-would appear and a man would confront him only to lose arguments with him and become Dajjaal’s followers.So for the general believers,the recommendation is to run away with your eemaan when you hear the Dajjaal is around.Yet another believer would be cut into halves but would not give up his eemaan but rather affirm that what Dajjaal did to him had been foretold by the Prophet-peace be upon him.At this point he would not be able to harm this believer anymore.

    Any volunteer who has enough time may attempt to translate the Arabic comment posted by Bro Riadh for the benefit of all.

  13. Mr. Sameer , you even do not have the respect of any religion. Learn from the president(Justin Trudeau) of the country where you grew up. How much respectful he is towards Islam and other religions. You do not need to find drawbacks in Islam . Just do what do you want. Even you can create your own new religion. But do not interfere in Islam and it is not your business. Its looks like that you do not have any job and are promoting your bullshit proves against religion for earning money. Indeed , you are working for money. But If you really need money and job, you can contact with me but stop here to make further stupid stories and playing with people. İf you do not like islam. Just left it which you already have done and accept other religion. And second thing people do not need your arguments and proves .They can think and prove what is right or wrong by themselves.

  14. Bro Abdul,relax Bro Sameer will come back to Islaam stronger and better’never to leave it again even if he is offered the whole world or compelled to choose it or die;provided he remains sincere and open minded.He said he came to Islaam from an Ismaa’eelee background. He claimed that due to open mindedness he came to Islaam after attending Islamic discourses,reading the Qur’aan and pondering over it for almost a year.After accepting Islaam,he claimed that he devoted himself to practicing and promoting it for the next 15 years or so.All these seem true given the proofs he provided and comments of some who know him then as per his post-Islaam blog posts.

    Subsequently,poor Sameer due to some holes in his knowledge and understanding he lost his faith as the Evil One and his agents among men and jinns took advantage of his weaknesses and at the opportune moment lunch an attack at him and he fell.I hope and believe he will rise again,inshaa-Allaah.Let us not despair of Allaah guiding him back and keep praying for his guidance.If he was a Muslim for about 15 years and has only been an atheist for about 2 years (come this Ramamdaan),he can still return to the path ,inshaa-Allaah as correcting one’s error after making one is only an increase in honor.He is not the first person to do this even in modern times.

    As a matter fact,it is good that he has voiced out his misgivings and deviations so that concerned Muslims may engage with him.He has no rational bases to insist on falsehood as his objections are all baseless and very refutable as we and others have vehemently demonstrated.We only wish that he had taken time out to discuss his difficulties and issues with the scholars until they are resolved as they are easily resolvable;and exercise restraint in going public with them since we live in the age of ignorance and weak intellect driven by desires;and as such may harm many who are even more susceptible than Sameer.

    Nonetheless,Bro Abdul has a valid point in that Sameer can raise his objections with due respect for others sensitivities.He does not have to mock Islaam or plainly accuse Allaah’s Messenger-sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam-of “making things up”!That is not only horrendous it is insanely biased,as no serious objective non-Muslim historian who has look at all the authentic data make such an allegation. It is insulting even to Sameer’s personality and impugns on his integrity than God’s Messenger-peace be upon him.I hope Sameer will consider this Bro Abdul’s point subsequently.

    O Allaah,bring Sameer back on track.Have mercy on him and save him and us all from the Evil One.Rabbi A’oodhubika min hamazaatish-shayaateeni wa a’oodhubika rabbi an yahduroon (meaning ‘O my Lord I seek your protection from the whispering of the Evil Ones and seek your protect O Lord that they be present’) .

  15. Hello yoohooskeptic.Your question is an intelligent one.Though Sameer gave an excellent link for the appropriate response,yet he made personal misleading comment.Please read the link yourself to its end ( how the Sheikh mentioned the date palm pollination incidence as an example of how a prophet may make mistakes regarding worldly matters such as medicine,agriculture,etc where God Has not specifically revealed His Will to the Prophet concerned.In the words of the Sheikh “With regard to mistakes in some worldly matters, it is permissible for them to make such mistakes although their reason is sound and their insight is strong. This happened to several of the Prophets including our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). This happened with regard to various spheres of life such as medicine, agriculture, etc. “

  16. According to Quran 37:65 even a plant is called looking like devils so any ugly creature can be called devil so Quran 67:5 can refer to possible extinction of ugly dinosaurs through impact of meteorites. Muslim scholars have also interpreted the word throwing for speculations of astrologers and in that case the devils are human astrologers.

  17. Hey Brother,

    I read your comments and want to clarify something. All of those things you mentioned which contradict itself are from Hadiths. I’ll tell you now the mass majority of Muslims do not follow Quran they follow newly innovations from Hadiths which Prophet Muhammad never taught. You here it in today’s age as the sunnah of the prophet or the bukhari, muslim, and salih Hadiths. All these are man made fabrications and it mentions this in Quran. Muslims today blind follow the uneducated scholars/imams and without verifying any of the evidence when Quran clearly tells you to verify all information you are provided with.

    Allah says, “[17:36] You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.”

    Allah tells us to not follow sources other then the Quran alone because you will find contradictions.

    Allah says “[39:23] GOD has revealed herein the best Hadith (Only the Quran); a book that is consistent, and points out both ways (to Heaven and Hell). The skins of those who reverence their Lord cringe therefrom, then their skins and their hearts soften up for GOD’s message. Such is GOD’s guidance; He bestows it upon whoever wills (to be guided). As for those sent astray by GOD, nothing can guide them.”

    [52:34] Let them produce a Hadith (Quran) like this, if they are truthful.

    [77:50] Which Hadith (Quran), other than this, do they uphold?

    Quran is the only Hadith we follow and the above verse is proof from Allah and is what Prophet Muhammad taught.

    Allah also says, “Will they not ponder on the Quran? If it were from other than God, they would have found in it numerous contradictions. 4:82”

    These words in 4:82 confirm that anything that contains contradictions cannot be from God, and since the hadith contains numerous contradictions, as shown as your example above (I know many more just FYI) it cannot be from God nor inspired by God. God does not inspire contradictions! Still, the hadith advocates claim that the hadith was inspired by God and that the hadith Al-Qudsy in particular is God’s own words spoken to Muhammad! If that is so, how could they explain the contradictions in hadith?

    Everything you presents is not from Quran.

    1- The Quran contains clear instructions to all Muslims to follow the Quran Alone and reject all hadith. The Arabic word hadith means all sayings, narrations, talk, stories, etc. In a narrower sense, the word ‘hadith’ refers to the sayings attributed to Prophet Muhammad. The hadith is regarded by the majority of traditional Muslim scholars to be the second source of law after the Quran despite the clear commands given in the Quran to follow the Quran alone and reject all hadith. The following Quranic verses make this issue clear:

    These are God’s revelations (Quran) that We recite to you truthfully. In which hadith other than God and His revelations (Quran) do they believe? 45:6

    Or have they not looked at the realm of the heavens and the earth and all things which God has created, and that perhaps their time may be drawing near? Which hadith after this (Quran) do they believe in? 7:185

    God has brought down the Best Hadith; a Book (Quran) that is consistent in its frequent repetitions. 39:23

    So in which hadith besides it (Quran) do they believe? 77:50

    Or do you have some other book in which you are studying? 68:37

    All the above verses contain the same clear commandment; not to follow any source of religious guidance and law other than the Quran.
    The Quran has all the details we need:

    Shall I seek other than God as a law maker when He has brought down to you the Book fully detailed? 6:114

    6:114 contains clear confirmation that:

    – God is the only law maker.

    – The Quran has all the details.

    Further confirmation that the Quran has all the details we need is given in the following verse:

    This (Quran) is not fabricated hadith, but an authentication of what is with you, a detailed account of all things and guidance and mercy for people who believe. 12:111

    We did not leave anything out of the Book; then to their Lord they will be summoned. 6:38

    We have brought the Book down to you providing explanations for all things plus guidance and mercy, and giving news to the Muslims (submitters to God). 16:89
    We also read:

    A Book that has been brought down to you, so let there be no constraint in your chest because of it, and so that you may warn with it, it is a Reminder for the believers. You shall all follow what has been brought down to you from your Lord and do not follow any allies besides Him. Rarely do you remember! 7:2-3

    Once again, we read in verses 7:2-3 clear instructions to follow the Quran and nothing else.

    Among the people, there is one who trades in baseless hadith to mislead others from the path of God without knowledge and he does it as a mockery. For these is a humiliating punishment. 31:6

    And when Our revelations are recited to him, he turns away in arrogance as if he never heard them and as if there is deafness in his ears. Give him news of a painful punishment. 31:7

    The words in 31:6-7 warn against following baseless hadith.

    Or do you have some book in which you are studying? 68:37

    In 68:37 God is mocking those who have other books than the Quran which they follow.

    So in which hadith besides it (Quran) do they believe? 77:50

    In 77:50 we see yet another clear mockery aimed at all who follow other than the Quran.
    2- In addition, Muslims today have been led to believe that to follow the Prophet they must follow his sunna. The word ‘sunna’ which is used in the Quran, means the way of doing things or methodology. The Quran speaks of only one sunna which has no substitute, and that is the Sunna of God. Nowhere in the Quran is there any mention of a sunna for Muhammad!

    Such was the Sunna of God for those who have passed on before. You will find that there is no substitute for the Sunna of God. 33:62

    Indeed the Quran contains the command to follow the Prophet. To do so, the believers must follow what the Prophet followed. The Quran tells us that Prophet Muhammad was commanded to follow nothing other than the Quran that was revealed to him. Thus, following the Prophet means following the Quran and nothing else:

    Say (O Muhammad), “I am not a novelty among other messengers, nor do I know what will happen to me or to you. I follow nothing other than what is revealed to me (Quran). I am no more than a clear warner. 46:9 (also in 10:15).

    And We brought down to you the Book, truthfully, confirming what is present of the Scripture, and superseding it. So rule among them in accordance with what God has brought down, and do not follow their desires in place of what has come to you of the truth. 5:48

    The Quran makes the issue clear that following the messenger means following what was revealed to him. The true believers follow what was revealed to the messenger:

    Those who follow the messenger, the gentile Prophet ……… Those who have believed in him, honoured him, supported him, and followed the light which was brought down with him; they are the successful ones. 7:157

    In 7:157 it is made clear that following the Prophet means following the light which was revealed to him from God and that is the Quran.

    3- The Quran confirms that the only duty of Muhammad (or of any messenger) is to deliver God’s message. Messengers are not sent to advocate their own personal teachings. They are called messengers of God because they deliver a message from God.

    The sole duty of the messenger is the delivery (of God’s message). 5:99

    The same message is found in 5:92, 16:35, 16:82, 24:54, 29:18, 42:48 and 64:12.

    4- God commands the believers to obey God and obey the messenger, but God also makes sure that the obedience to the messenger is linked to obeying the message he delivered and nothing else. Obeying the messenger does not mean that the messenger issued additional teachings outside of the Quran.

    The confirmation that obeying the messenger is linked to obeying the message he delivered (the Quran) is confirmed in the following verse:

    Obey God and obey the messenger. If you shall turn away then the sole duty of the messenger is the clear delivery (of God’s message). 64:12

    The obedience to the messenger and the deliverance of the Quran are linked in the same verse. For more details on the meaning of “obey the messenger” please go to: Obey God and obey the messenger

    5- We never read any where in the Quran words such as ‘Obey God and obey Muhammad’ or obey Jesus, or Moses. The words always say “the messenger”. This is to emphasise that what is to be obeyed is the message of the messenger and not his personal words.

    6- The Quran also confirms that Muhammad was commanded not to teach any other teachings, otherwise he would incur severe punishment from God:

    A revelation from the Lord of the worlds. Had he falsely attributed any sayings to Us, We would have grabbed him by the right, and We would have severed his aorta. None of you would be able to prevent it. 69:43-47

    7- Muhammad was made to swear that the only revelation he received from God was the Quran. This refutes all the allegations which claim that Muhammad received revelations from God independent of the Quran, and which are referred to as ‘Hadith Al-Qudsy’ (sacred hadith).

    Say (O Muhammad), “What thing is the greatest testimony?” Say, “God is Witness between me and you that this Quran has been revealed to me to warn you with it and whomever it reaches. Do you bear witness that there are other gods besides God?” Say, “I do not bear witness”. Say, “He is but One God and I am innocent of the shirk which you commit. 6:19

    If the ‘Hadith Al-Qudsy’ was truly a revelation received by Muhammad from God, we would expect the Quran, being fully detailed, to include such confirmation. Needless to say, nowhere in the Quran is there any indication that Muhammad received any revelation from God other than the Quran. Muhammad and all messengers of God receive various pieces of inspiration from God connected to their life and personal matters. We have an example in 66:3 where God inspired to Muhammad some information about his wives. This is inspiration and is altogether different from the revelation of a Scripture. This kind of inspiration to Muhammad was of a personal nature, it was for his own benefit alone and does not constitute any commands or instructions for the believers, nor is it necessary for the believers to know its details.

  18. Hey, thanks for your post.
    I agree about the scientific part. But about the supernatural part, it sounds plausible to me because in my part of the world magic or witchcraft or spells are very real. It is real to muslims and non-muslims alike. The spell which is used to separate husbands and wives is very real. It can be done by just visiting a local witchdoctor or ‘bomoh’. There are also spells to keep the husbands and wives together. This is usually used by wives to protect their husbands from seeking other women. The ‘bomoh’ will insert needless into the woman’s body and it will show when taking an x-ray scan with medical doctors. Unfortunately I can’t get that proof because medical information is private. In my country Malaysia, the parliament has debated to ban witchcraft. The problem is of course, how do you prove that witchcraft was used and by whom. Anyways, most of the people in my country experience this reality. So muslims and non-muslims alike use witchcraft even though in muslim law, fatwas were issued to ban witchcraft.

      1. lol, haha. I’d love to go to Canada. Americans say that they also have cheap medicine prices.

        But seriously, the supernatural is quite real in where I come from. People have seen both angels and demons. And witchdoctors make a lot of money, especially when it comes to charming people to get in love with you or get out of love with you.

        Perhaps that is a topic for another day.

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