Abdullah Sameer

أَلَا يَعْلَمُ مَنْ خَلَقَ وَهُوَ اللَّطِيفُ الْخَبِيرُ Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Acquainted? (67:14)

Divorce in Islam

Divorce laws in Islam are the perfect example of a flawed system that leads to volatile and unstable family dynamics. They cause so much pain and suffering in the family. As a Muslim, divorce laws in Islam used to cause me a lot of confusion. I could not understand how a perfect divine being would come up with such strange laws that aren’t well designed. There is terrible and great suffering in Muslim families because of these terribly formulated laws.  Men often regret uttering the words of divorce, and women often feel responsible for “angering their husbands” and causing him to utter divorce.  It causes terrible sadness and mental grief for families who end up in this situation


Sex While Menstruating

In Islam it is forbidden to have sex with your wife while she is menstruating.  This idea existed before Islam and continued into Islam.  The idea that a woman is dirty or impure during menstruation comes from ancient myth and has no basis in reality. The author of the Quran seemed unaware of the purpose of the monthly period. There is no medical reason to avoid period sex and in fact many women are more sexually aroused during this period. If both partners are comfortable, intercourse during menstruation can be wonderful and satisfying.


The Watchmaker Argument For God

One of the arguments for the existence of God is nature itself.  The fact that we have eyes, lungs, brains, organs and a functioning body.  We look in awe and wonder at our bodies and the universe and say “There must be a God”

The Teleological argument (also known as the Watchmaker analogy or sometimes as Intelligent Design) claims that if you would see a watch, you would know there is a designer.  In the same way when you look at nature and most specifically, the complexity of us human beings, you can assume there is a designer because it’s like the watch.
