Abdullah Sameer

أَلَا يَعْلَمُ مَنْ خَلَقَ وَهُوَ اللَّطِيفُ الْخَبِيرُ Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Acquainted? (67:14)

Why Can’t I Insult Your Father If You Insult Muhammad?

Recently I posted on twitter asking the question: How does it hurt Muhammad when he is mocked? He is dead and in the grave in the window to paradise (Riadhul Jannah) and he is going to go to paradise, of course surrounded by 72 virgins. So why is it a problem if someone says bad things about him? I mean like who cares right? And of course the usual response goes like, “Well it’s the followers that get upset not Muhammad himself”. In response to my tweet, one Muslim said to me, “You said Muslims shouldn’t be feel bad about prophet Muhammad being insulted since he has passed away. Does that make your deceased father fair game? Was Armin’s mom fair game?”. 


Hate Speech Towards Disbelievers In The Quran

A Muslim once accused me of spreading bigotry and hate. I told him I do no such thing. I stand for human rights for all regardless of skin, color, race, religion, or sexuality. I do, however, speak out against bad ideas, and religions are ideas and ideas do not have rights.

There’s nothing wrong with discussing why you agree or disagree with communism, Christianity, Nazi-ism, Buddhism, atheism, or Islam. But there’s an important distinction to make. The Quran actually attacks not just disbelief, but disbelievers.


How my life improved after leaving Islam #AwesomeWithoutAllah ﷲ

This is your friendly neighborhood ex-Muslim Abdullah Sameer. I am here to tell you how my life has improved after leaving Islam. I made a short  video for EXMNA on how I am awesome without Allah that could fit into a tweet, but  in this piece I would like to offer more details and really dig into how wonderful life is without this merciful yet not so merciful God in my life.
